East Coast Reflector Newsletter

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May 2023


Happy May everyone!  The weather is getting warmer, the leaves are on the trees, and the smell of fresh cut grass is back.

By now, I'm sure most of you have noticed the lack of newsletters being published.  This is primarily due to the lack of material being submitted.  There just isn't enough information to have a weekly or even bi-weekly publication.  So I've decided to change the frequency of newsletters to once a month.  They will be released near the beginning of each month.  As always, I will post an announcement on our Facebook group and groups.io. 

If you have anything you would like to submit to the newsletter, please email them to me.  I'm good on QRZ.  Links to other ham radio related articles would be appreciated as well.


The Morning Brew runs Monday-Friday (except holidays) beginning at 7AM ET on the ECR.  Please join us!

Thank you to all who have checked in to the Morning Brew.  I would like to acknowledge the rest of the Brew Crew and those who help us out on a regular basis:
Mike K2CMT from Debary, Florida - Net Control
Derby Dan KD2VNU from Derby, New York - Net Control and Logging Partner
Scott W2BLT from Buffalo, New York - Net Control
Dick WB2JPQ from Eden, New York - Alternate Net Control
Garry KB2TDT from Hamburg, New York - Alternate Logger/Net Control
Ben K8BWK from Oregon, Ohio - Alternate Net Control

It's really great to see more people stepping up and helping to run this gargantuan net.  We average about 120 check-ins five days a week!   This is most definitely not a one man show.

We asked the following questions sometime last month.   As always, only answers with a tally of 2 or more were included below. 

Q:  Have you ever ridden on a Greyhound bus?
A:  Yes 56 | No 15

Q:  Have you ever been camping?
A:  Yes 76 | No 0

Q:  Do you like being on the water? (boating, cruises, ferry rides, kayaking, tubing, walking on water)
A:  Yes 64 | No 7


Below is a list of our May birthdays.

K2SHF, Michael from Bel Air MD, has a birthday on May 1
KB1ZEB, Larry from Essex Junction VT, has a birthday on May 1
KO4UYJ, Caleb from Milton FL, has a birthday on May 1
KA5OUG, Charles from Tulsa OK, has a birthday on May 4
KD2TRG, Bob from Stony Brook NY, has a birthday on May 5
KD6DHR, Bruce from Wheatland CA, has a birthday on May 5
KM4WZD, Joe from Clermont FL, has a birthday on May 5
KJ4TPE, Rick from Orange City FL, has a birthday on May 9
W2AJR, Andy from Cheektowaga NY, has a birthday on May 14
KD9GNX, Rich from Frankfort IL, has a birthday on May 16
K6PPT, Paul from Benson AR, has a birthday on May 16
KI5RPK, Jay from Houston TX, has a birthday on May 18
VK2DY, Robert from Kellyville Ridge NSW Australia, has a birthday on May 25
KB0p, Paul from Green Bay WI, has a birthday on May 25

Would you like your birthday recognized in the Newsletter and on the air during the Tech Net?  Just send an email to Michael, K2SHF, with your callsign and birthdate.  Your birthday will then be added to our spreadsheet.


We have a 40 meter HF net every Saturday at 9:00am ET on 7245 KHz.  We are also in the ECR Zoom room at the same time as the net is going.  This is a controlled, but relaxed net with no specific questions or topics.  Please join us this coming Saturday.


Please join us every Tuesday at 11AM ET on 14.317 +- as Roger KO4QMM hosts this new net.  We are also looking for alternate net controllers as well.  Come have some fun with us!


Please join us on Fridays at 7PM ET for the East Coast Reflector Youth Net.  Your hosts are Lucca KD2YHZ, his brother Aiden KD2YFO, and Damian KD2ZGC.  They always come up with an interesting question for all people checking in to answer.  If you have any youth that are not yet hams, let them check-in with you as 3rd party!


How many of you will be going to Hamvention this year?  It runs from May 19-21 in Xenia, OH.  The East Coast Reflector will be having an informal Meet & Greet on Saturday, May 20th at 1PM local time and it will be hosted by Dick WB2JPQ.  The Meet & Greet will be located in the flea market section of the event at spaces 7586-7588.  Stop by and say hello!


Please join us on Thursday, May 11th, at 8PM ET in the ECR Zoom Room for a presentation on Building Radioless Nodes by David NR9V.  There are several ways to go about doing this, and David will walk us through one of them.  You can access our Zoom Room at bit.ly/ecrdaily.  David has an awesome website at https://allscan.info.

YACHT NEWS for May 6, 2023 - By Ed KG8CX

Young Amateurs Communications Ham Team K8KDZ
Connecting Young Hams, Creating Friendships, Expanding the Voice of Youth in Ham Radio
Inspiring Youth with Enjoyment & Technology of Ham Radio
Website https://qsl.net/yacht-arc/home.html

NET REVIEW... Following youth checked in:  2W0KYH, KQ4AKR, K0NNK, N6RWC, KE8RJU, KJ7AGQ, KN6ULC, N8APR, KE8YCO, N8STH (ex KE8YAC), N8KMR (ex KE8YAJ), N8RCL, KE8NMY, and others from around the U.S.

CHAT SESSIONS... Monday:  10 stations connected with audio from 8 including KJ7AGQ, N8APR, N8RCL, NC8R, KD2YHZ along with K3TEL and VU2MDA (India) through Meganets. Tuesday:  8 check ins including KJ7AGQ, KC3RAP, KE8LQR, KE8WQZ, KO4PPD and K3TEL and K5NO.

NEW MEMBER... Welcome to John Rhodes http://www.qrz.com/db/ke8wqz  He attends the same school Katie does and is one of three new members that Katie has recruited.  He is also a member of the K8LPS Radio club where Katie is president.  Look forward to hearing from him on echolink.

HAMVENTION PIZZA PARTY... All youth and families attending Hamvention  in May, take note:  The annual Hamvention pizza party will be held on Sat. May 20 at Marion's Pizza, 1320 N. Fairfield Rd. in Beaver Creek. OH starting around 5pm EDST.  It is just off US-35 between Xenia and Dayton.  Mark KB8ZR and Katie's Mom will set everything up.  I won't be attending this year, but will be hoping to have some of you check in to the YACHT youth net that evening.  You might consider an early check in prior to net time, say between 5 and 6pm EDST, which would be 1 hour earlier for me.  Sounds like a great ending to a BIG YACHT Hamvention Day.

HAMVENTION YOUTH FORUM... Here is the schedule for Carole Perry's Youth Forum on Sat. May 20 9:15am to noon...  All speakers are YACHT youth members...
Moderator: Carole Perry, WB2MGP
Speakers: Landon Baumgartner, KE8TJU, Grace Papay, KE8RJU, Javan Miller, W8UA, Lyle Strachan, KE0ZNV, Collin
Holdsworth, K0NNK, Katie Campbell, KE8LQR and Jim Storms AB8YK, the Hamvention General Chair
Young Hams Landon Baumgartner KE8TJU, Grace Papay KE8RJU, Javan Miller W8UA, Lyle Strachan KE0ZNV, Collin
Holdsworth K0NNK, and Katie Campbell KE8LQR give presentations. A special presentation will be given by Jim
Storms AB8YK, the Hamvention General Chair, about getting young hams chosen for the Dave Kalter Youth DX
Adventure (YDXA). ICOM will donate an HF rig for a door prize. You must be present to win.

CONGRATULATIONS TO... Neil KD2ZDY for his General upgrade and to  Seth and Kaylee Rose for their new vanity calls. Seth's is http://www.qrz.com/db/n8sth  and Kaylee's is http://www.qrz.com/db/n8kmr  Nathan's will come in a week or so.

our new hexbeam antenna. Jonathan (K8JDT), Joshua (K8FI), and I built it last week and finally got it up a few days ago. It seems to be working out very well, but the HF band conditions have been rough so it's hard to give it a good try. I was at least able to work a few European stations who gave me 59 reports.
Feel free to put it in the YACHT newsletter if you want!
Go to http://www.qrz.com/db/nc8r to see the photo.

ACTIVE YOUNG HAMS... Our team of youth are some of the best anywhere.  Many are very active with their ham radio gear.  Two of the more active are Cameron, age 11 http://www.qrz.com/db/kd9vgv and Jacob age 12 http://www.qrz.com/db/ka4jam  Their collection of QRZ awards including the newest one are remarkable.
I am continually checking out QRZ pages for signs of youth activity.  If you'd like me to mention yours, let me know.  I appreciate the skill and endurance it takes to accumulate your logs.  YACHT and Youth are some of the best in amateur radio.

73, Ed Engleman KG8CX


Henry WB4IVB
Tony W2KJV
Kevin VE3BZ
Paul W4END
David KB4FXC
Kevin KE7K
Mike K2CMT
Michael K2SHF
Keynon KB5GLC
Caleb KO4UYJ
Scott W2BLT
IRLP  9050
AllStar  27339, 45192, 45225
Echolink WB2JPQ-R(57780), WB2JPQ-L(375103)
Echolink Conference *ECR9050*
DMR Brandmeister 3129973
System Fusion 44444, 92805
DStar XRF(XLX)256E, XLX 237
HamShack Hotline 94049
P25 31582, 9050
M17 M17-ECR Module A
Hams Over IP 15001

ECR Tech Net
     Tuesdays 8PM ET
Morning Brew
     Mon-Fri 7AM ET
Second Cup
     One random day a week at 9AM ET
ECR Pop-Up Net
     Happens at random times on random days
40m ECR Net
     Saturdays at 10AM ET on 7245 KHz  +- LSB

Open 24/7.  All are welcome!
ID: 83929643320
Password: 193414




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All Rights Reserved