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April 11, 2022
![]() MORNING BREW Q&A - By Michael K2SHF Thank you to all who checked in to the Morning Brew last week. We asked the following questions. As always, only answers with a tally of 2 or more were included below. Thanks to Derby Dan (KD2VNU) for tallying the results after each net. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ECR BIRTHDAYS The following hams are celebrating a birthday this week. Happy Birthday to you all! N5DJP, Michael of New Caney, TX, has a birthday on April 12th KG5UFR, Jacob of Dallas, TX, has a birthday on April 12th W7DJL, Daniel of Gresham, OR, has a birthday on April 12th N2VNM, David of Peru, NY, has a birthday on April 13th VE3UC, Bill of Ontario, Canada, has a birthday on April 16th ![]() YACHT NEWS for April 9, 2022 Young Amateurs Communications Ham Team, K8KDZ Sailing along radio waves Connecting Young Hams, Creating Friendships, Expanding the Voice of Youth in Ham Radio Inspiring Youth with Enjoyment & Technology of Ham Radio NET REVIEW... Our Saturday youth nets continue to flourish with outstanding hams checking in. The past net had 15 young hams included. Thanks to 2W0KYH, KN4VKY, KN4VKW, K0NNK, KC3OTG, KI5KGE, KD9RTI, YS1YXI, N8JJM, W0AAE, KE8RJU, KD9HGO, K0EFW, N7NFT, KE0ZNV. I also commend all others who signed in for their support of YACHT. CHAT SESSIONS... Monday & Tuesday 16 total connections. These youth checked in: KO4TZK Andrew, KE8TJU Landon, YS1YXI Mily, KD2WTR Finn, N8JJM Joshua, KE8LQR Katie, KE0ZNV Lyle YACHT MEMBER RESULT IN YOTA CONTEST... Congratulations to Grace KE8RJU [link] LATE BREAKING NEWS... Katie KE8LQR has been accepted to YOTA summer camp in Cincinnati in June. Along with Lyle, KE0ZNV, Grace KE8LQR, and Mily YS1YXI they are our YACHT members to enjoy this unique privilege. This camp is for youth hams in North, Central, and South America. YOTA SUMMER CAMP IN CROATIA... This year's worldwide camp will be held in Croatia. If you are interested, check out this link [link] This is separate from our region camp to be held in Cincinnati in June. *YOUTH NET TO BEGIN* Let's support Katie as much as time allows. She has given much support to YACHT and is a great promoter of youth in ham radio. She will appreciate it... ...Here are the details on the Ohio Section Youth Net that will be starting this weekend: When: The second Sunday of every month at 7:30 PM EST, starting April 10th, 2022 Where: The K8IV repeater located in Kent, Ohio. (Echolink node K8BF-L) (RF: 146.895 Mhz with PL 118.8) Any licensed amateur radio operator is welcome to check in, priority will be given to young operators and those located in Ohio. *(Editors note: echolink node is 614929) Katie Campbell KE8LQR Assistant Youth Ohio Section Coordinator YLRL Youth Correspondent NEW FCC APPLICATION FEE EXPLAINED... Michael KB9VBR explains the new fee structure for amateur radio that goes into effect on April 19 [link] OUR NEWEST HAMILY... We are proud to announce the newest YACHT family of hams, the Rudy family from Kentucky. Twins Will KO4VLV, Alex KO4YFI, Mom KO4ZBV and Dad KO4LFZ WELCOME NEW MEMBER... Our newest member is Trent Williams KO4PNT He is #400 and is 17. He is our 29th new member (adult & youth) in 2022. *WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY*... The date is April 18 and the event will be observed worldwide.. [link] ROOKIE ROUNDUP AHEAD... The ARRL SSB Rookie Roundup is scheduled for Sunday, April 10. The usual HF bands will be used. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS... Logan N4LLC celebrates his special day on April 8. FEEL GOOD MUSIC... Watch and listen to this awesome group, One Voice Children's Choir. You'll be dancing too. [link] Watch full screen if you can. CAR CLUB HONORS ANTHONY... The Spokane Pharaohs car club honored him on his 1st photo showing with a drive by.. this is so cool [link] And here is a photo and comment from his Mom on the 1st car he has ever purchased. He also has a '57 Ford that was given to him. Even though he is only 14, he has earned enough from sale of his hard cover book and calendar. A special youth for sure. [link] -- 73, Ed Engleman KG8CX NEW REPEATERS ON THE ECR - By Dick WB2JPQ Thanks to Matt, N2YCK, we have three new repeaters on the ECR system severing the Rochester area. The repeaters are located on a hill in the town of Rush, NY, which is south of Rochester. The repeaters are as follows: 145.350 -0.6MHz 110.9Hz 224.020 -1.6MHz 110.9Hz 443.750 +5MHz 110.9Hz Hopefully we can get the word out to our Rochester users that have not had access since 146.790 went down last November. World Amateur Radio Day is April 18 Taken from The ARRL Letter dated April 7, 2022 World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) is April 18 and is celebrated worldwide by radio amateurs and their national associations, which are organized as member-societies of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). It was on this day in 1925 that the IARU was formed in Paris. American Radio Relay League (today, ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio) co-founder Hiram Percy Maxim was its first president. "On World Amateur Radio Day, all radio amateurs are invited to take to the airwaves to enjoy our global friendship with other amateurs, and to promote our skills and capabilities to the public," said Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, ARRL Director of Public Relations and Innovation. "Use the backdrop of World Amateur Radio Day to describe and demonstrate ham radio to family, friends, and co-workers." While WARD falls on a Monday this year, Inderbitzen encourages amateurs and radio clubs to extend the celebration to include the weekend, or even all week. "Some radio clubs will even seek a proclamation from their town or state government, designating the period to recognize the contributions of radio amateurs to our communities, and the overall importance of our Amateur Radio Service," he said. ARRL reports that there are more than 775,000 hams in the US. ARRL also supports a nationwide network of 2,400 affiliated radio clubs. "Radio clubs provide opportunities for newcomers to discover radio and to become ham radio operators," said Inderbitzen. "Clubs develop the personal radio communications capability of their members, operating together or from their home stations, in portable settings, and from nearly anywhere." Inderbitzen also highlighted that among the primary purposes of the Amateur Radio Service is to enhance international goodwill. "Radio amateurs use radio signals, which reach beyond borders, to bring people together culturally while providing essential communication in service to their communities." More information and resources for participating in and promoting World Amateur Radio Day, can be found at: ARRL | IARU | Use the ARRL Special Event Stations listing to find on-air events by entering "World Amateur Radio Day" in the keyword search. On social media, use the hashtags #WorldAmateurRadioDay, #hamradio, and #ARRL. LOAD BALANCING FOR ALLSTAR We are trying to give 27339 a break by asking members of our core group to switch from 27339 to 45225. Core group members are simply those who are connected to the ECR 24/7. If this sounds like you, please try connecting to 45225 from now on. Thank you. THINKING ABOUT WRITING AN ARTICLE FOR THE NEWSLETTER? - By Michael K2SHF If you have anything you would like to write about, please send it to me at k2shf(at)arrl(dot)net so that I may publish it in the newsletter. Without your articles, we have no newsletter. There is no long-term commitment implied when you submit an article to me. You can write once or have a column that does not have to be updated every single week. We realize people have lives outside of the ECR. So, send me stuff! Thanks. |
FACILITATORS Dick WB2JPQ Henry WB4IVB Emil WA2UPK Bob KB3SNM Tony W2KJV Kevin VE3BZ Paul W4END David KB4FXC Kevin KE7K Joe KO4FRR Mike K2CMT Michael K2SHF Steve K2EJ Keynon KB5GLC Dan KD2VNU |
ECR ACCESS IRLP 9050 AllStar 27339, 45192, 45225 Echolink WB2JPQ-R(57780), WB2JPQ-L(375103) DMR Brandmeister 3129973 DMR TGIF 9050 System Fusion 44444, 92805 DStar XRF(XLX)256E HamShack Hotline 94049 P25 31582 NEW!! M17 M17-ECR Module A NEW!! NETS Tech Net Tuesdays 8PM ET Morning Brew Mon-Fri 7AM ET YACHT Youth Net Wednesdays 8PM ET |
WEBPAGE ZOOM ROOM Open 24/7. All are welcome! ID: 83929643320 Password: 193414 MERCH SHOP TECH NET LOG YOUTUBE CHANNEL |