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July 4, 2022


Thank you to all who checked in to the Morning Brew.  The following are answers to some of our recent daily questions.

We asked the following questions.   As always, only answers with a tally of 2 or more were included below.  Thanks to Derby Dan (KD2VNU) for his hard work in logging the answers and tallying the results after each net.


The following hams are celebrating a birthday over the next week.  Happy Birthday to you all!

K8ATG, Andy of Letart WV, has a birthday on July 4th
9Z4DX, Bertrand of Trinidad and Tobago, has a birthday on July 6th
2E0XXN, Luke of Lincolnshire England, has a birthday on July 7th
KD2ZDY, Neil of Lindenhurst NY, has a birthday on July 9th

Would you like your birthday recognized in the Newsletter and on the air during the Tech Net?  Just send an email to Michael, K2SHF, with your callsign and birthdate.  Your birthday will then be added to our spreadsheet.


Boy does time fly.  Wednesday, July 6th, will be our one year anniversary doing the Morning Brew!  We have something special planned for that day's Brew.  Wednesday's Brew will be net number 252, two five two.  At this pace, we will surpass the Tech Net before we hit our second anniversary.  This also means that we have asked over 252 questions.  In the very beginning we were asking two questions each day.  As the number of check-ins increased, we decided to omit the second question.  We've had various net controllers over the year, but it now looks like we have a permanent team.

The Brew started with Mike K2CMT and myself.  As time went on, Derby Dan KD2VNU stepped up to help us out with logging callsigns and answers, and he eventually made his debut as a net controller.  Scott W2BLT showed interest in helping out just last month, and he has been a wonderful addition to the Brew Crew.  Like Derby Dan, this is also Scott's first net control assignment, and he quickly got so comfortable behind the mic that you would have thought he had been doing this for years.

Here are some more stats for you.  Our first net on July 6, 2021 had 24 check-ins.  The net on June 22, 2022 had 105 check-ins!  Our busiest net thus far was on April 7, 2022 when we had 109 check-ins.  In the last 100 Morning Brews, we logged over 9,200 check-ins with over 870 unique callsigns.  Since the beginning, in just under a year, we have logged almost 20,200 check-ins!!  <MIND BLOWN>

The Morning Brew would not be a thing without you folks checking in on a daily basis.  So from the bottom of my heart, I say thank you to everyone who participates.  It sure has been a fun ride, and I hope the ride keeps going for a long time to come.

Taken from The ARRL Letter dated June 30, 2022

2022 ARRL Field Day wrapped up nearly a week ago, and ARRL Headquarters has already received over 2,400 entries submitted via the online Field Day Entry web application. Early analysis reveals that most of the entrants participated as Class D -- home stations, and Class E -- home stations using emergency power.

As of June 29, the breakdown of Field Day entries by Class showed 2,723 total entries, with 272 in Class A, 361 in Class B, 32 in Class C (mobile), 1,524 in Class D, 484 in Class E, and 50 in Class F.

So far, a total of over 517,000 contacts were reported for the event and those numbers are changing daily. In 2021, there were 1.5 million contacts made during Field Day activities.

Many participants were keeping their hopes up for better propagation, as early forecasts were looking promising. ARRL Contest Program Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE, said that propagation aside, there was substantial activity. "While band conditions might not have been the greatest, there was a good amount of activity on the bands this past weekend. Many participants seemed to agree that the recent rule changes, capping transmitter power output to 100 W, were a good idea," he said.

Kristi Milluzzi has made a commemorative Field Day cake for each of the last three years, featuring the event's logo. She recently married Andy Milluzzi, KK4LWR, of Clermont, Florida. Andy is a member of the ARRL Public Relations Committee, and co-advisor to the ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Program.

Dustin Lomax, KF7FK, reported in his Soapbox comments that it was his first Field Day in which he used CW, adding that "CW was a fun change of pace that really helped make the most of marginal band conditions in WWA [Western Washington]."

There is still plenty of time to submit your 2022 Field Day entry. Participants who submit their entries using ARRL's Online Submission Form can earn 50 bonus points and will receive an email confirmation of their completed entry. Be sure to check the Entries Received web page to verify your entry's status. If it indicates "Pending documents," the required dupe sheet (or in lieu of that, a Cabrillo log file) or other supporting documentation of claimed bonus points is missing.

Participants can edit or add documentation to their online submissions by using the link provided in the confirmation email. Field Day entries must be submitted online or postmarked no later than 2059 UTC on July 26, 2022.

2022 Field Day was highly promoted thanks to the efforts of many ARRL Division and Section volunteers, amateur radio clubs, and their members. Many states and counties obtained special proclamations from local governments designating the weekend (in some cases the whole week) as Field Day and Amateur Radio Week, recognizing the many contributions of amateur radio operators during emergencies and with serving their communities.

ARRL treated participants with a live video stream from W1AW, its Headquarters' station, throughout Field Day. Life Member Karl Schwab, KO8S, of Warren, Michigan, was delighted with making contact with W1AW during Field Day. "I heard W1AW calling CQ Field Day on 20 m SSB," wrote Schwab. "I responded and then heard, 'Kilo Oscar Eight Sierra, you're 5 Foxtrot Connecticut.' I responded with my report, and got in their log. ... After Field Day, and uploading my log, I went to the ARRL website and there I found a 4-hour video was available on YouTube, showing W1AW during their Field Day activities. While watching this video, at hour 2, minute 55, I heard and saw my live contact with them! [This] was a special moment for me. One I will never forget." A recording of the W1AW live stream is on ARRL's YouTube channel.


Looking for inspiring journalists to interview various ECR ham radio operators on a monthly basis for the ECR newsletter.

The interview will concentrate on amateur radio related interests.

The pay is on the extreme end of low.  No paid vacation or medical benefits.

If interested please contact Michael K2SHF, Ben K8BWK, Tom KE3GK or Scott W2BLT

YACHT NEWS for June 25, 2022 - By Ed KG8CX

Young Amateurs Communications Ham Team, K8KDZ Sailing Through Radio Waves
Connecting Young Hams, Creating Friendships, Expanding the Voice of Youth in Ham Radio
Inspiring Youth with Enjoyment & Technology of Ham Radio


NET REVIEW... Our Field Day net brought 18 stations on board:  KJ7MPQ Andrew, KJ7MFU Dylan, 2W0KYH Declan, KC3RAP Walker, KD9HGO Clay, KE8TJU Landon, K0EFW Ryan, KE0ZNV Lyle, KE8RJU Grace, K0NNK Collin, KD8NAZ Brett, KD8NAZ 3rd party Jeremy. Thanks to you and others who took time and checked in.  Not as many as usual due to many working their club's Field Day station.
Be sure and check in for our "Firecracker 4th of July Youth Net" on July 2 and make some noise.

CHAT SESSIONS... Friday:  KE8RJU, KC3RAP, OH2CFZ (Finland), VU3EFZ (India), KE8LQR, K0NNK, KE8TJU, along with ZL3DUG, K5NO, KS8O.  Monday:  Good response with these fine youth ops, KE8MPK, VU3EFZ, KC3RAP, K9GVN, KE8LQR, KJ7AGQ, K0NNK, WS8EMT, KF0JFQ, KE8RJU. Also had these older supportive hams, K7JKA, K5DCC, AK4FD, KO4IHM, W5GAM.  Tuesday:  VU3EFZ. KE8LQR, KE8RJU, KI5UKE (new member), + KC3CDU, K5NO, KF4RHZ
Hope to hear from you on Wednesday evening. Come and sail with us.

NEW HAM WELCOME... A new youth appeared on our Monday chat. We are pleased to give Dylan KF0JFQ http://www.qrz.com/db/kf0jfq our newest youth membership.  He is 14 and very happy to be a part of our group.
Also a big welcome to Joe Hammond KI5UKE of Texas http://www.qrz.com/db/ki5uke   He just turned 15.  He connected up to our Tuesday chat and became our newest youth member.

POTENTIAL YOUTH MEMBER... A 3rd young ham has appeared in Danville, PA.  Bradley KC3ULE age 9. His dad also received his ham license KC3ULF.  He is a Scout and joins Abbi KC3OTG and Vincent KC3RXV.  Tom KC3OLH is working with dad to get him into echolink and we should soon hear Bradley on our YACHT node.  It's always nice to see a new youth get involved with the fun of amateur radio, and become a YACHT member.  We look forward to word from Dad that he approves of membership.

YACHT BIRTHDAYS  and one Special One... Best wishes to: Tripp K5TRP July 8, Mily YS1YXI July 7, Ed KG8CX July 2 and a special one to Arde KA9WAR who turns 100 on July 2. He is an active ham and belongs to our local radio club. Check out his page http://www.qrz.com/db/ka9war  Surprise him and send a greeting.

RHR (Remote Ham Radio) News... [link]  a fast growing mode of ham radio.

1ST SOLO FLIGHT... Ride along with this 16 year old YL on her solo flight  https://youtu.be/_HYCVqMi7ik
Several YACHT youth are aviation buffs and three have their pilots license.

73,  Enjoy the weekend and remember the significance...
Ed Engleman KG8CX 

Henry WB4IVB
Tony W2KJV
Kevin VE3BZ
Paul W4END
David KB4FXC
Kevin KE7K
Mike K2CMT
Michael K2SHF
Steve K2EJ
Keynon KB5GLC
Caleb KO4UYJ
IRLP  9050
AllStar  27339, 45192, 45225
Echolink WB2JPQ-R(57780), WB2JPQ-L(375103)
DMR Brandmeister 3129973
System Fusion 44444, 92805
DStar XRF(XLX)256E
HamShack Hotline 94049
P25 31582, 9050
M17 M17-ECR Module A
Hams Over IP 15001

Tech Net
     Tuesdays 8PM ET
Morning Brew
     Mon-Fri 7AM ET
YACHT Youth Net
     Wednesdays 8PM ET

Open 24/7.  All are welcome!
ID: 83929643320
Password: 193414




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