August 2023


Hello boys and girls.  Can you believe it's already August?  We'll be thinking about Christmas decorations before we know it.  Things on the ECR have been very active both on the public stage and behind the scenes.

Let's start with our weekly Tech Net on Tuesdays at 8PM ET.  There have been some changes made to the net recently.  At the beginning of the net, we used to go down the list of facilitators and we would all have something to say.  We decided this was a process that unnecessarily delayed the net.  It's a long net to begin with, so we have always been looking for ways to speed it up.  The new procedure is to read the names and callsigns of the facilitators, but unless one has an announcement he checks in with the regular check-ins.  I always have something to say at the beginning since I read off the birthday list for that week.  Kevin VE3BZ always speaks before general check-ins so he can read that week's swap & shop listings.  Some of you have noticed the lack of access to the Tech Net Logger.  We decided to make the logger private due to a potential security issue.  If we figure out a fix for this, we might make it public again someday, but for now it will remain private. 

We have some changes on the Morning Brew.  The Brew Crew would like to welcome Garry KB2TDT and Bill N2BH.  These two gentlemen have graciously offered to help us with net control duties as well as logging.  This brings much needed relief to the rest of us.  As most of you know, this net runs 5 days every week (except for the occassional federal holiday).  This take a huge amount of time and dedication.  By getting this much needed help, no member of the Brew Crew has to "work" all 5 days in a week.  This way none of us will burn out and you folks get to hear more voices behind the net control desk.  So a big thank you goes out to the entire Brew Crew and to Garry and Bill for joining us.

Fridays at 7PM ET is the ECR Youth Net.  Lucca KD2YHZ and Aidan KD2YFO have done a wonderful job as net controllers.  However, these brothers cannot do every single net.  They have other non-radio commitments that sometimes fall on a Friday evening.  So we are looking for more youth that would like to run this net.  You need to be 18 or under, and you do not need to make a huge commitment.  You also do not need experience.  If you are a youth and might be interested in running this net sometime, please email me or Derby Dan KD2VNU.  Our emails are good on QRZ.

The Saturday ECR Trivia Net is going well.  Alex W7FTM does a great job coming up with a different question for each person that checks in.  His dry humor is both entertaining and refreshing.  If you can, please join Alex on Saturdays at 11PM ET.

We have a committee formed to plan the 2024 ECR Meet & Greet in western New York.  The 2023 M&G went very well and we all had a great time.  We hope next year's M&G will be bigger and better.  In the near future, we will have a webpage containing the information you will need to plan your trip to western New York during the M&G including dates, hotels, and schedule of events during the M&G.

Start thinking about HamCation in Orlando FL in February.  If you book flights and hotels now, you should be able to get cheaper rates.  We always do a Meet & Greet at the show and 2024 will be no different.  Visit for more information.

Everyone enjoy your August, and remember that you do not need a net to talk on the ECR.  Throw your callsign out there and you'll more than likely get a response.

73 de K2SHF


Below is the list of our August birthdays.  Happy Birthday to you all!

NH7TR, Dick of Cibolo TX, has a birthday on August 1st
KO4RXK, Derek of Clermont FL, has a birthday on August 5th
KC4NPD, John of Richmond VA, has a birthday on August 11th
3B8FP, Rachid of Curepipe-Rd Mauritius, has a birthday on August 12th
KO4RPS, Adam of Orange City FL, has a birthday on August 15th
W4FWN, Daniel of Sanford FL, has a birthday on August 16th
KE8BZJ, Mo of Ypsilanti MI, has a birthday on August 19th
KI5KOO, Kyle of Katy TX, has a birthday on August 20th
KB5GLC, Keynon of San Angelo TX, has a birthday on August 22nd
KK4SED, Les of Clermont FL, has a birthday on August 28th
KG4QZO, Tim of Killen AL, has a birthday on August 30th

Would you like your birthday recognized in the Newsletter and on the air during the Tech Net?  Just send an email to Michael, K2SHF, with your callsign and birthdate.  Your birthday will then be added to our spreadsheet.


Below are a few of the questions we asked on the Morning Brew over the past month along with the  number of people that gave each answer.  Only answers with a quantity of 2 or more were counted.

Q:  Are you left or right handed?
A:  Left 11 | Right 57

Q:  Where do you order from online for delivery of goods?
A:  Amazon 33 | eBay 6 | Chewy 3 | Walmart 2 | Alliexpress 2  | Sweet Water Sound 2

Q:  What is your favorite fruit?
A:  Apple 12 | Orange 8 | Banana 8 | Pineapple 6 | Blueberry 5 | Grapes 5 | Tomato 5 | Watermelon 3 | Cherry 2 | Mango 2

Q:  What is your favorite nut?
A:  Cashew 30 | Walnut 9 | Pistachio 8 | Macadamia 4 | Pecan 4 | Peanut 3 | Almond 3 | Mixed 2

Join us for the Morning Brew Monday-Friday (except holidays) at 7-9AM ET on the ECR.

Taken from The ARRL Letter dated August 3, 2023

ARRL, as part of its mission to protect Amateur Radio, has filed comments against a proposal that would introduce high-power digital communications to the shortwave spectrum that in many instances is immediately adjacent to the Amateur HF bands.

The "Shortwave Modernization Coalition" (SMC), which represents certain high-frequency stock trading interests, filed the petition with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). (Previous coverage can be found on ARRL News.) ARRL responded on behalf of its members and the 760,000 licensees of the Amateur Radio Service in the US.

The ARRL Laboratory performed a detailed technical analysis over several months to determine if the proposed rules would affect operations on the bands allocated to Radio Amateurs that are inter-mixed with the Part 90 bands in the spectrum in question.

ARRL's analysis determined that, if the proposed rules are adopted, the new operations inevitably will cause significant harmful interference to many users of adjacent and nearby spectrum, including Amateur Radio licensees. Ed Hare, W1RFI, a 37-year veteran of the ARRL Lab and internationally recognized expert on radio frequency interference, was the principal investigator on the study. Hare concluded the petition should not be granted. "This petition seeks to put 50 kHz wide, 20,000-watt signals immediately next to seven different amateur bands with weaker protections against interference than required in other services," said Hare.

In its formal opposition, ARRL stated, "That destructive interference would result if operations commenced using anything close to the proposed maximum levels."

ARRL's filed comments highlight flawed analysis and incomplete data submitted by the petitioners. It noted the petitioners "...significantly understate the harmful interference that is not just likely, but certain, if the rules proposed by SMC are adopted as proposed. It is noteworthy that SMC's proposed rules would provide less protection than the much-lower power amateur radio transmitters are required to provide Part 90 receivers." ARRL's opposition also noted that there was no reported tests conducted with Amateur or other affected stations, but referenced a spectrum capture in the Comments filed with the Dayton Group that showed actual interference into the Amateur 20-meter band from one of the High Frequency Trading experimental stations.

Part 90 HF rules currently authorize a maximum signal bandwidth equal to a voice communications channel, at up to 1000 W peak envelope power (PEP). The petition seeks multiplication of signal width, greater transmitted power, and weaker rules that protect users of adjacent spectrum. ARRL's comments expose the likely fallout:

"Incredibly, notwithstanding the significant increase in potential interference that would result from using digital schemes with 50 kHz bandwidths and 20,000 watts of power, SMC also proposes to substantially lessen the protections required to protect adjacent and neighboring licensees. SMC proposes [out-of-band emissions] limits that offer less protection than the existing Part 90 limits and would actually permit no attenuation (0 dB) at the edge of adjacent allocations, many of which are bands allocated to and heavily used in the Amateur Radio Service. Consistent with lessening protections while increasing the potential for harmful interference, SMC also proposes a lower limit for spurious emissions. SMC would reduce the existing protection of -73 dB for the applicable 1000-watt power limit to just -50 dB protection for their proposed 20,000-watt limit. Due to the much wider 50 kHz proposed bandwidth, the resulting interference would penetrate deep into the adjacent Amateur bands."

The proposal has been assigned FCC Docket No. RM-11953. While the period for commenting on the petition has now closed, replies to comments in the record may now be submitted.

Hundreds of licensed Radio Amateurs filed comments in the Docket, expressing overwhelming opposition to the proposal. Those interested may read ARRL's full comments and the results of the technical analysis, which are included in the filing. "If granted as written, this would be devastating to Amateur operation for many tens of kHz into our bands," said Hare.

ARRL will continue to advocate for its members and the Amateur Radio Service in this proceeding.

Read ARRL's Opposition and the ARRL Lab's technical analysis here.


I'll take "Ham Radio" for $200 Alex.  That is referring to the late Alex Trebek on Jeopardy, of course.  But another Alex, W7FTM, is the host of our newest net on the ECR.  The ECR Trivia Net runs every Saturday at 11PM ET.  So far we have had seven nets and they have been a whole bunch of fun.  Alex has a different question in a multiple choice format for each participant.  I personally like the multiple choice questions just in case I have no idea what the answer is!  Alex throws some humor into many of the questions and answers, So if you're looking for some fun on Saturday evenings, listen to the ECR on Saturday nights at 11PM ET and make sure you check in.


Young Amateurs Communications Ham Team K8KDZ
Connecting Young Hams, Creating Friendships, Expanding the Voice of Youth in Ham Radio
Inspiring Youth with Enjoyment & Technology of Ham Radio

WAYS TO ENJOY HAM RADIO (CONTINUED)... 41. Field Day 42. Working DX  43. Being DX  44. DXpeditions  45. Contesting  46. Award chasing  47. Double hop sporadic E  48. Worldwide DX on 6 meters (once or twice every 11years)  49. Troppspheric ducting  50. Gray-line propagation

QSO TODAY ACADEMY... This is brand new and replaces the QSO Today virtual hamexpo

TEEN MAGIC... This young fella from B.G.T. is unbelievable.  Watch and be amazed

YACHT REACHES 16... Back in mid July of 2007 YACHT was born with 5 young local hams. We've come a long way since that time, now with members in many states, and a number of foreign countries.  Thanks to all of you for your support and promotion of ham radio for youth.

VIDEO OF KG8CX QSO... Made a contact with Ian KE8TMQ on the 146.700 rpt in Manistique, MI while he was on a family vacation.

INTERVIEW WITH GRACE AND CAROLE... Tim Duffy K3LR interviews Grace KE8RJU and Carole WB2MGP

BRITAIN'S GOT TALENT... This 10 yr. old has a remarkable voice.  See if you don't agree

WAYS TO ENJOY HAM RADIO... (continued) 51. TEP, chordal hops, etc  52. Getting through on CW when nothing else will  53. Unexpected band openings  54. Building your own gear  55. Using gear you've built yourself  56.Operating QRP from some remote location  57. Experimenting with antennas 58, Working DX while while mobile or hiking  59. Experimenting with new radios and new technology 60. The opportunity to help build and internet that doesn't rely on the internet  61. Dxing on your HT using IRLP or Echolink  62.Contributing to scientific knowledge about propagation 63. Keeping track of other people's GPS data via APRS  64. Ham radio balloon launches to the edge of space  65. Reading CQ and QST


73, Ed Engleman KG8CX

Henry WB4IVB
Tony W2KJV
Kevin VE3BZ
Paul W4END
David K4FXC
Kevin KE7K
Mike K2CMT
Michael K2SHF
Keynon KB5GLC
Scott W2BLT
IRLP  9050
AllStar  27339, 45192, 45225
Echolink WB2JPQ-R(57780), WB2JPQ-L(375103)
Echolink Conference *ECR9050*
DMR Brandmeister 3129973
System Fusion 44444, 92805
DStar XRF(XLX)256E, XLX 237
HamShack Hotline 94049
P25 31582, 9050
M17 M17-ECR Module A
Hams Over IP 15001

ECR Tech Net
     Tuesdays 8PM ET
Morning Brew
     Mon-Fri 7AM ET
Second Cup
     One random day a week at 9AM ET
ECR Pop-Up Net
     Happens at random times on random days
40m ECR Net
     Saturdays at 9AM ET on 7245 KHz LSB
20m ECR Net
     Tuesdays at 9AM ET on 14.317 MHz USB
ECR Youth Net
     Fridays at 7PM ET
ECR Trivia Net  new!!
     Saturdays at 11PM ET

Open 24/7.  All are welcome!
ID: 83929643320
Password: 193414




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All Rights Reserved