November 2023
ARE YOU THANKFUL? - By Michael K2SHF Hello boys and girls. Halloween is over and it's now time to get ready for Thanksgiving. Lawns have had their final mowings and snowblowers are hopefully ready for their upcoming season. And I know it's early, but if you don't start thinking about Christmas it will pass you by. 2023 has just flown by so far, and I'll bet the rest of it does just the same. We have some exciting things happening right now at the ECR: New Website: I think most of us are tired of looking at our old and tired website. A new website has been created and is in the testing phase. It is much easier to navigate and is mobile friendly! Ever tried going to our website from a phone? Well suffer no more, boys and girls. In the coming weeks, this fresh and modern website will be available to the public. Stay tuned. Hamcation: Place - Orlando, FL Dates - February 9-11, 2024 The East Coast Reflector will have a table in the indoor flea market (spaces W23 & W24). A bunch of us will be there manning the tables and greeting YOU. This table will be in leu of the one hour meet & greet that we have done in the past. So won't you join us? Information on the second largest hamfest in the country can be found at Western NY Meet & Greet: Place - Western NY (south of Buffalo) Date - June 8, 2024 Last year we had a last minute meet & greet in western NY and had a blast. We are planning the 2nd annual WNY M&G way ahead of time to give everyone time to make arrangements to be there and to allow us to make this event even better than last year. If you are able to make it, we'd love to see you! So as you can see, things are always moving along here at the East Coast Reflector. Come join us in the Zoom Room sometime. It is open 24/7, but the best time to find activity is around 3:30PM ET for afternoon coffee. You can access the ECR Zoom Room at 73 de K2SHF ECR BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Below is the list of our November birthdays. Happy Birthday to you all!
Would you like your birthday recognized in the Newsletter and on the air during the Tech Net? Just send an email to Michael, K2SHF, with your callsign and birthdate. Your birthday will then be added to our spreadsheet. MORNING BREW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Below are a few of the questions we asked on the Morning Brew over the past month along with the number of people that gave each answer. Only answers with a quantity of 2 or more were counted. Join us for the Morning Brew Monday-Friday (except holidays) at 7-9AM ET on the ECR. Do you have a question for the Brew you'd like to submit to us? Send an email to k2shf (at) yahoo (dot) com and we can add your question to the pool. 40 METER NET ON SATURDAY MORNINGS - By Michael K2SHF The ECR 40 Meter net is still going strong every Saturday morning at 9AM ET on 7.245. Conditions have been particularly good the last few weeks. Please join us and say hello. And to further enhance the experience, join the ECR Zoom Room just before joining the net. This helps us to put a face with the callsign, and we use Zoom to help relay messages from stations that might be out of range for some. REPEATERS ON THE ECR The South Coast Reflector has 3 full-time repeaters connected to us: Spring, TX 442.975 + PL 100.0 Conroe, TX 442.900 + PL 103.5 Montgomery, TX 147.120 + PL 100.0 Coming soon: K8BWK Repeater in downtown Toledo, OH. 442.550 + PL 107.3 If you have a repeater in your area that is not connected to the East Coast Reflector, send an email to Dick WB2JPQ. We can help get it connected. LOOKING FOR PRESENTERS We are looking for Zoom Room and Tech Net presenters that are knowledgeable on an amateur radio topic. If you have an abundance of knowledge on something, why not share that knowledge with everyone. Please contact Dick WB2JPQ if you are interested. FREE GENERAL CLASS COURSE - Submitted by Steven K2EJ If you or anyone you know is interested, here is the information for our upcoming, free, live General Class Licensing course on Zoom. Please feel free to share the following announcement on line or at your club meetings. A free, weekly, live, Amateur Radio General Class Licensing course on Zoom will begin on Thursday, Nov 2, and will run through Thursday, January 11. The three-hour sessions will start at 6:30 PM Eastern Time. These are the classes that we have been holding for years sponsored by the National Electronics Museum. Prerequisite is to have or be studying for the Technician Class License. Please publicize this with anyone you know that you think would be interested. Those wishing to sign up should email Roland Anders, K3RA, at [email protected]. Thanks. 73, Rol Anders, K3RA TOPICS FOR 2ND CUP NET The 2nd Cup, which occurs one random day each week after the Morning Brew, is a relaxed net in which ham radio related topics are discussed. These topics are used to better educate all of us by sharing our thoughts and knowledge with each other. If there is a topic you would like discussed on a future 2nd Cup, please email Dick WB2JPQ. ARRL LAUNCHES THE NTS LETTER Taken from The ARRL Letter dated October 5, 2023 There's a new newsletter in the ARRL repertoire as of this week. The first issue of The NTS Letter was published on October 3, 2023. The NTS Letter is a monthly digest of all things related to the ARRL National Traffic System®. It is edited by Marcia Forde, KW1U, who is a veteran traffic handler and serves as the Section Traffic Manager for the ARRL Eastern and Western Massachusetts and Rhode Island Sections. The NTS is network that allows for rapid movement of messages, referred to as "traffic," from origin to destination, and for training amateur operators to handle written traffic and to participate in directed nets. The network consists of the layering and sequencing of both voice and CW traffic nets, as well as a digital system that operates 24/7. This nationwide system operates 365 days a year, generally relaying routine message traffic for training purposes and for maintaining readiness if called upon in an emergency. If called upon, these operators stand ready to assist emergency communications personnel and served-agency partners in relaying welfare and other messages. It is the modern continuation of the historic "radio relay" from ARRL's founding in 1914. Director of the ARRL New England Division, Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, said the NTS is a great way to get involved in emergency communications. "Newly licensed and experienced amateurs alike who participate in NTS find satisfaction and enjoyment in learning the skills of sending and receiving concise written voice and CW traffic in an organized, on-air network. It's a natural complement to the skills and training one needs to become an effective emergency communicator and Amateur Radio Emergency Service® volunteer. Plus, it's an opportunity to meet new friends, and it's fun!" said Kemmerer. The NTS Letter is published monthly and is free of charge to ARRL members. Members can subscribe at by selecting "edit" to view all of their subscription preferences (members need to be logged in to their ARRL website account to do this). RECENT YACHT NEWS ARTICLES - By Ed KG8CX Young Amateurs Communications Ham Team K8KDZ Connecting Young Hams, Creating Friendships, Expanding the Voice of Youth in Ham Radio Inspiring Youth with Enjoyment & Technology of Ham Radio -------------------- Website YOUNG FOOTBALL PLAYER... This F.B. post should be seen by everyone... Sometimes, you capture moments when no one else is looking that hit you in the heart. Lawson Schulte, an 7th grader at Cullman Middle School, was preparing for his big game against Hartelle last night when Cullman Daily's photographer looked over and noticed him praying. After speaking with coaches and teammates, Lawson is known to pray before every game and for his team. In today's world, many negatives take place, but we can learn from this 7th grader that there is a bigger purpose in life. If Lawson can impact lives at his young age, maybe we adults can look in the mirror and learn from our future leaders. This came from the Cullman, AL newspaper. YOUTH ESSAY CONTEST... This announcement from ARRL - The Intrepid-DX Group has announced their 4th Annual Youth Dream Rig Essay Contest. The Intrepid-DX Group is a US-based nonprofit organization that promotes amateur radio activities around the world. The Youth Dream Rig Essay Contest is designed to gather the views and ideas of young people involved in amateur radio. Contestants must be USA or Canadian amateur radio license holders who are 19 years old or younger; must reside in the US, US territories, or Canada, and they must submit a two-page essay explaining what attracted them to amateur radio. All entries must be a plain text document, PDF, or Microsoft Word document and be either emailed to [email protected] or mailed to The Intrepid-DX Group, 3052 Wetmore Dr., San Jose, California 95148, USA by November 30, 2023. Those who have previously submitted an essay may compete in this year's contest, as long as all criteria are met. The contest winner will be announced on the group's website and Facebook page on December 15, 2023. The winner must agree to provide a photo with their prize. For a complete list of the rules and prizes, visit Great opportunity for young hams...check out their website for more details. YACHT MEMBER EMAIL & BIO...This email came a few days ago from Jonny KN4LGM "Dear Mr. Engleman, I am writing to tell you about the award I just received from the 3905 Century Club Nets(a worked all States and DX award nets). I am the only youth NCS for the club and I run a net at 1 AM local every Thursday night and fill in on other nets from time to time. The award is for being the best new NCS in the last year. I know of at least three other 3905 CCN members who became NCSs around the same time as I. If you would like to attach this and/or my QRZ page to the next newsletter, I would be very honored. Thanks, Jonny Dorminy/KN4LGM" Here is his QRZ page HAM ARTICLE IN POPULAR MAGAZINE... This appeared in "Field and Stream" and exposes amateur radio to even more citizens... WORKED ALL STATES... Here is Ian KI8AN with his just received "Worked All States" award. Good job Ian! IAN WAS award and here he is with G.L. Div. director and MI Section Manager at Kalamazoo ham fest YACHT MEMBER & DAD ON PODCAST... Hump Day Happy Hour starts at 7pm CDST here featuring Cameron KD9VGV and his Dad Peter KD9UVX. YL SSB YOUTH NET NEEDS MORE YOUTH... This group which usually meets on 14.332.00 on Saturdays is looking to add more youth voices to their crew. If you are interested in becoming a part of the group, contact Daniel NC8R. They already have Cameron KD9VGV and a few other YACHT members, but need more to bring it to a reasonable level of operation. You can also go the the YL SSB System webpage for info on their group. They do not want to discontinue their youth ham crew because of lack of volunteers. There is a need for more youth operation on the HF bands. I strongly encourage you to consider this excellent opportunity to become involved in a high level HF net operation. They will provide you with all necessary assistance and other perks as well. YACHT MEMBER WORKS POTA... Ian KI8AN is rapidly becoming a ham radio youth to watch. Here he is working POTA on Sunday. He made 26 contacts in less than 1/2 hour. PACIFICON ADDRESS BY STEVE GOODGAME... I strongly urge you to watch and listen to this very important talk by Steve on inspiring our youth and teachers. My reasons for doing YACHT are similar. You are the future of ham radio. I love what I am doing and hope you enjoy being a youth with a lifetime of radio and technology ahead. ARRL YOUTH LICENSING PROGRAM... [link] 73, Ed Engleman KG8CX |
FACILITATORS Dick WB2JPQ Henry WB4IVB Emil WA2UPK Bob KB3SNM Tony W2KJV Kevin VE3BZ David K4FXC Kevin KE7K Joe KO4FRR Mike K2CMT Michael K2SHF Keynon KB5GLC Dan KD2VNU Scott W2BLT Tom - KE3GK Ben - K8BWK Garry - KB2TDT Bill - N2BH Vicky - KE8VKY Randy - W2RBC David - KF9JF |
ECR ACCESS IRLP 9050 AllStar 27339, 45192, 45225 Echolink WB2JPQ-R(57780), WB2JPQ-L(375103) Echolink Conference *ECR9050* DMR Brandmeister 3129973 DMR TGIF 9050 System Fusion 44444, 92805 DStar XRF(XLX)256E, XLX 237 HamShack Hotline 94049 P25 31582, 9050 M17 M17-ECR Module A Hams Over IP 15001 NETS ECR Tech Net Tuesdays 8PM ET Morning Brew Mon-Fri 7AM ET Second Cup One random day a week at 9AM ET ECR Pop-Up Net Happens at random times on random days 40m ECR Net Saturdays at 9AM ET on 7245 KHz LSB 20m ECR Net currently on hold Tuesdays at 9AM ET on 14.317 MHz USB ECR Youth Net Fridays at 7PM ET ECR Trivia Net Saturdays at 11PM ET |
WEBPAGE ZOOM ROOM Open 24/7. All are welcome! ID: 83929643320 Password: 193414 MERCH SHOP TECH NET LOG YOUTUBE CHANNEL Leave us some feedback! |